On occasion, one meets a person who has experienced a difficult childhood, horrible illnesses, and just plain bad luck in his or her formative years. Rather than remain a victim of the particular circumstance(s) from which he or she never really recovers, this individual rises above his or her plight and succeeds despite overwhelming odds to the contrary.
These "transcenders" usually have one outstanding trait. They believe in themselves and never stop trying.
They think of disappointments and failures as "temporary" set-backs and keep on plodding towards their goals. Transcenders usually don't keep asking themselves if they are happy, but interact with others in ways that make them happy. Aunt Josie would like to ask her readers what other traits they think transcenders manifest that the rest of us do not. If we could discover what makes these individuals tick and apply it to folks trapped in the "poor me" cycle, many more people would be much better off.
Unfortunately, we live in an age where self-proclaimed victimization runs rampant. Think you've got it bad? You can be damn sure that someone out there has it a lot worse. So suck it up, get off the floor, and set your mind to bucking the odds. Keep your goals in sight and follow your dreams. And remember, long shots do come in!